The Health Benefits of Wireless Headsets - Headsets4business

The Health Benefits of Wireless Headsets

For a lot of people who work in offices, it’s not unusual to suffer from constant aches and pains. Issues with the neck, shoulders and back are extremely common, with some problems leading to more serious and chronic health conditions in the long term.

Luckily, a lot of these frustrating health hazards can be easily resolved by making the switch to wireless headsets. It’s an easy and efficient way to improve the wellbeing of your employees (and yourself!). If you’re looking to purchase wireless headsets for your workplace, here are just some of the health benefits they provide to you.

Wireless Headsets Help to Reduce Bad Posture

One of the main complaints from people working in jobs that require them to use telephones regularly throughout the day, is the negative effect that it has on their posture. Most traditional telephones are not ergonomically designed. This means that a lot of people tend to slant whilst holding the phone up to their ear for a prolonged period of time, or put strain on their body by cradling it between the neck and ears.

Not only can this lead to temporary back and neck pain, it also encourages people to adopt a poor posture – something that can lead to chronic neck and back issues later on. Wireless headsets help to stop this from happening. Being hands free, they allow the user to remain sitting up straight whilst talking.

Wireless Headsets Encourage People to Move Around More Often

Office jobs require employees to sit down for prolonged periods of time, something that has been said to be bad for their health and wellbeing in the long run. Whilst sitting down is an unavoidable part of the job when working from a desk, you can encourage your staff to move around more often through the introduction of wireless headsets. By giving them the option to move around whilst still remaining connected on the call, employees are less likely to suffer from any serious health risks.


Wireless Headsets Help With Noise Reduction in the Workplace

Most workplaces are noisy. This is definitely true for offices, especially those that have lots of people working in a small space. It can be a nightmare when everyone is attempting to use the phone at the same time – both hearing and making yourself heard can be difficult.

However, noisy workplaces can also be bad for the health. Loud noises can have a damaging effect to the hearing of employees over the long term. This is one of the main reasons for why most wireless headsets include noise reduction technology. They help to isolate the user from background noise, allowing them to adjust the volume to a safe level that is comfortable and healthy for the ears.

Wireless Headsets Reduce Some of the Stress on Your Employees

Along with the physical health benefits mentioned above, wireless headsets have also been praised for the way that they can reduce stress for office and call centre workers. This is because they make people a lot more productive. Stress can have a detrimental effect on your health and your body. For a lot people, stress at work is caused through not having too much work and not enough time to complete it.

This is something that wireless headsets can help to reduce! They allow you to get on with other work whilst speaking on the phone, thus allowing you to reduce your workload and therefore eliminate added stress. Their ergonomic design also means they can be worn without any hassle.    

Looking to make the leap from traditional telephones to wireless headsets? Check out our products online, or please feel free to give us a call to discuss your options.

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